Meet Valeria–a spunky, friendly, loving 8-year-old orphan from Colombia. Matthew & Renae met Valeria while she was in the US this summer with an organization called Kidsave. She won their hearts and now they’re working to bring her home to be part of their forever family.
Because the cost of International Adoption is so high, we’ve embarked on a fundraising campaign to help raise funds so the Kennedys can focus on preparing their heart and home for this little girl. Many people met Valeira while she was here and have expressed a desire to contribute to her future.
AllyZabba blankets are a perfect contribution and a great gift for all the babies you know!
Thank you for your support. For more information on the Kennedy Adoption, visit
After you click the “Participate” button below, 50% of everything you buy from will be donated to the Kennedy’s for their adoption.
Terms and Conditions
- We love partnering with reputable organizations and families to raise funds. We know the Kennedy’s personally to be trustworthy but we are not responsible for the usage of the money once we’ve donated it to them. Make sure you trust the referring organization before clicking “participate” above.
- uses a simple and reliable system for tracking your purchases and directing the correct percentage to our fundraising partners. Specifically, we store a 10 day “cookie” on your computer to determine when to credit the fundraising partners. Although errors should be rare, we cannot be held responsible if there is a technical error which leads to errors in crediting our fundraising partners.
- Any tax-deduction related questions should be directed to the fundraising partner. AllyZabba is a for-profit entity and purchases from AllyZabba are generally not tax-deductable